Appassionato di fotografia e cinema sin da bambino ho studiato le arti grafiche. Dopo l’Istituto D’Arte, ed il diploma da fumettista alla Scuola Internazionale di Comics, ho iniziato a fare il Videomaker, lavorato come produzione nel cinema per un po’ di anni, seguiti da una dozzina in post-produzione (VFX artist, Compositor, Online editor, Editor e Mograph Designer) per Rai, Mediaset, prestigiosi studi ed agenzie pubblicitarie. Lo step successivo è stato trasferirmi all’estero dove ho iniziato la mia professione di filmmaker e regista, che ho proseguito poi a Milano per diversi anni, prima di ristabilirmi a Roma.
Continuo nella Capitale ad offrire i miei servizi come regista, direttore della fotografia, post e saltuariamente produzione.
Se dovessi definirmi in due linee la prima sarebbe:
Capace di toccare le corde emotive più intime.
La seconda:
Risolvo problemi.
Passionate about photography and cinema since I was a child, I studied graphic arts. After the Art Institute, and the diploma as a cartoonist at the International School of Comics, I started to be a Videomaker, worked in film production for a few years, followed by a dozen in post-production (VFX artist, Compositor, Online editor, Editor and Mograph Designer) for Rai, Mediaset, prestigious studios and advertising agencies. The next step was to move abroad where I began my profession as a filmmaker and director, which I then continued in Milan for several years, before re-establishing myself in Rome.
I continue to offer my services in the capital as director, director of photography, post and occasionally production.
If I had to define myself in two lines, the first would be:
Capable of touching the most intimate emotional chords.
The second:
I solve problems.
I continue to offer my services in the capital as director, director of photography, post and occasionally production.
If I had to define myself in two lines, the first would be:
Capable of touching the most intimate emotional chords.
The second:
I solve problems.
Thank you!